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Chakra Balancing

Ginger specializes in Chakra Balancing, using special tools and techniques to correspond specifically to each individual Chakra. Working with Aromatherapy, Meditation, Energy Healing, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Sound Healing Techniques and more, Ginger is able to renew your spiritual health and help you connect to your higher being through this spiritual transformation.

What are the chakras?

A chakra (pronounced “cha”-“kra” The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel  of energy or disk.  In yoga and meditation, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. Chakras are gateways to our consciousness. Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical energy are drawn through your chakras These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centers in the body. Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves witch causes are chakras to have different functions and traits they are also connected to our major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. That is why our spiritual health and well-being is just as important as our psychical health.

Our chakras define our emotions weather it be good or bad depending on the wellness of our chakras. Think of chakras like another organ system. We need every organ to function properly so that our body can perform to its fullest. When our chakras are balanced, our body is in harmony, and we feel energized, elevated, and whole. When they’re not balanced, we experience a multitude of physical, mental, and emotional imbalances; anything from low back pain and immune disorders to low self-esteem and indecision. Aiding these symptoms by practicing chakra-healing techniques allows the body to heal fully and naturally with results that benefit you every day of your life.


      What Are The Benefits To Chakra Balancing?


The benefits to chakra balancing are limitless, to renew you're chakras is to renew you're spirit and to renew the spirit  is to renew the mind. They all work together hand-in-hand, what is the use of a car with no tires? What is the use in a light switch with no electricity ? They both cannot serve their purpose one without the other. Us as humans are a lot like these examples, we must be connected to each of these parts of ourself to reach are fullest potentials. 

The mind as we all know is a very vital part of our bodies it controls a big part of out being if  our mind is not at ease our feelings and emotions are out of  and when that happens it could effect the way we live our daily lives, weather at work, with others or even ourselves.  Chakra balancing has many benefits such as feeling lighter, happier, peaceful, confident, decisive and much more!

During a Chakra Balancing Session, the energy healer assesses the flow of energy and removes blockages, as well, as evens out the flow from all the Chakras. If your chakras are balanced, in most cases you feel balanced and lighter. Thus, the Chakras are balanced. Chakras give off a certain color or vibration, which aids the Energy Medicine Practitioner in balancing your Chakras.


Here are a few Behaviours that can help you tell the difference between healthy chakras Vs unhealthy chakras

Healthy Chakras 

• Intutive 

• Aware


• Thankful

• Joyful

• Content

• Clear Mind

• Prosperous

• Confident

• stable

• attracting healthy relationships

• satisfied 

• Healthy Eating/Sleep Pattern

• Motivated

Unhealthy Chakras

• Confusion

• Depressed

• Anxious

• Doubtful

• Anti-Social

• Lack of concentration

• Lack of self esteem/confidence

• Constant unhealthy relationships

• Insomnia 

• Unmotivated 

• Constant Need For Change

• Difficulties Commuincating/Express 

• Unable To Forgive

• Consistent Anger

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